Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's Not Everyday You Meet A Mega-Movie Star...

Now I’m not what you would call a “Celebrity star-gazer” but I have to say I experienced one of those moments yesterday where the magnitude of fame - against all common sense - leaves you positively giddy…

I mean let’s face it - it’s not everyday you meet a mega-movie star like Tom Cruise.

I work for a prominent Canadian television company and Cruise was scheduled to make an appearance on one of our network entertainment programs. I had popped out quickly to grab lunch and was returning to the office when I was met by security blocking me from entering the front doors of our building…

There in the foyer stood Cruise waiting to make his entrance into our storefront studio.

At this point I thought to myself “ok, I know the drill”; I’d become accustomed to the building-wide emails cautioning staff to ‘avoid eye-contact’ and ‘refrain from asking for photos and autographs’ whenever celebrities were in-house. Imagine my surprise when I noticed him peek around the guard - smile that famous smile of his right at me – then shake his head as to say, “this is silly” and wave me into the foyer.

Coming through the doors, I grinned back and said, “thank you Mr. Cruise”. By this time he had turned towards me…there we were…face-to-face.

I told him that it was very nice to meet him. Never breaking his smile (or my eye contact) he told me likewise and offered his hand...so I shook it.

I continued on to the elevators...did that really just happen?